“More than anything, quality education is more about the learner than the institution”
Some do better being a lost number in a crowd and others need the personal touch of a small campus.
Ambala College of Engineering (ACE) is a highly dynamic place to be in. At times, we are surprised by the pace at which we change. We teach entrepreneurship the same way we preach it at ACE. We encourage students, faculty members, and staff members to come up with newer ideas to change the way we do things every day, to think of spreading our wings on newer frontiers, and to look beyond the norms. It is for that reason ACE today is also regarded as the most Innovative Institute. Initiatives are taken and encouraged in areas covering academics and research.
“In the end, it is about you and what works in your best interest. Ultimately it comes down to you as the student to determine the right pick”
How ACE is Different from other colleges
- Admissions Outreach and Communications
- On-Campus Events and Activities
- Popular Student Clubs
- Student Publications/Newspaper
- Targeted Research