To felicitate the students and faculty who have attained excellence in academic and co-curricular spheres through dedicated hard work and perseverance ACE Achiever’s Day 2018-2019 was organized on 30th March, 2019. Sh. Rajender Garg, STAR BLOOD DONOR graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Educationist was the Guest of Honor. The function started with invoking the blessings of God through a beautiful rendition of Saraswati Vandana by the college choir. Prof. Ashok Kumar, Dean Academics, HOD, Electronics & Communication Engineering, apprised the audience about the achievements of our Chief Guest and Guest of Honor. The felicitation ceremony started with giving away the book prizes and merit certificates to the students who attained 1st, 2nd & 3rd position in academics in each semester. The Trophy & certificates was given to the students who got prize in One Day Science Awarness Programme sponsored by Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Rohtak Chapter Organized by Gandhi Memorial National College, Ambala Cantt. Ms. Archita Aggarwal, ME 1st Year got the First Prize in Slogan Writing.
The faculty and staff members who have successfully completed an outreach programme on “Advanced Image Analysis” by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Dehradun from 4th June,2018 to 18th June,2018, were given the certificates.The certificate of Participation of Institute was received by Prof. (Dr.) Amit Wason.
Both the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor shared their principles of life with audience in his sapient speech. He emphasized on the importance of having an aim in life and inspired students to become qualitative and honest professionals. Sh. JaivDev, Chairman, ACE expressed his gratitude to the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor by presenting a memento that symbolized deep respect and admiration. The presence of the Chief Guest and his contribution in making the event a success was acknowledged by proposing vote of thanks by Dr. Monica Khanna, HoD, Applied Sciences & Humanities Department. The event concluded with singing of National Anthem.